在 YouTube 上面学习,有这几个工具才更有效率 | 极客公园:2021-12-30 · YouTube 上有不少免版权音乐,最近两年 Vlog 很火,这里自然也成了视频创作者找配乐的来源之一。 用这个工具可众直接将 YouTube 上的音乐转成 MP3 格式下载,对于大部分个人创作者来说是 …
PPoPP 2018 is collocated with HPCA-2018, 电脑上youtube and CC-2018.
View the track page for all the details of the main conference.
The following workshops and tutorials will be co-located with PPoPP 2018:
- WPMVP 2018 - Workshop on Programming Models for SIMD/Vector Processing
- 电脑上youtube教程 - Programming Models and Applications for Multicores and Manycores
- GPGPU 2018 - Workshop on General Purpose Processing Using GPU
- Tutorial: Debugging and Profiling Task Parallel Programs with TASKPROF
- Tutorial: An Introduction to Intel® Threading Building Blocks (Intel® TBB) and its Support for Heterogeneous Programming
- Tutorial: High Performance Distributed Deep Learning: A Beginner’s Guide
- Tutorial: Productive parallel programming on FPGA with high-level synthesis
- Tutorial: 手机怎么连接电脑蓝牙 音乐传到电脑扬声器播放设置教程 - 融 ...:2021-6-12 · 手机怎么连接电脑蓝牙 音乐传到电脑扬声器播放设置教程 Windows 10 版本 2021(2021 年 5 月更新)重新引入了对蓝牙 A2DP 接收器的支持,使用户可众通过蓝牙连接将音乐从手机流式传输到 PC …
PPoPP 2018 is offering travel support for students. More information on how to apply can be found here.